
Eye Sight Problem!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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Hello, I have Astigmatism in one eye i am wearing contact lenses at the moment i am 13yrs old will it ever go if i keep wearing them or will i have it forever




  1. they wont go away just because u have contacts..

    but wen u get older u can have lazer eye surgery to get rid of it

  2. Astigmatism will never "go away". It may get better or worse over time (it is more likely to get worse though), but you will always have it. Wearing contacts will not make you astigmatism better or worse. LASIK eye surgery may be an option for you in your twenties though.

    There are also special contact lenses that you can wear at night and take out during the day. They fix your astigmatism at night over about a year, so you won't need the contact lens any more. But, this treatment is really expensive. Here is the link:

    Take care!

  3. Agree with HC. Your astigmatism will not go away, but with lasik technology you can fix it. However, you should wait till you are in your mid-twenties before you get lasik surgery done. By then, the technology will probably improve a lot more, resulting in less side-effects and risks and it will probably be even cheaper, considering in your case you should wait at least 10 years.

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