
Eye Sight is weak. Effect on job?

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Dear Friends,

One of me eyes is really weak. (6/36). Doctor said it cant be correctable using spectacles.

I also have squint in the same eye.

How can this affect my career?

I heard that few companies reject such candidates in the medical check up even if they are given the offer letter

And that in US, people with colour blindness are not allowed to take driving license.

Please share any more of such limitations.

I am sure you will be able to help me from the happenings at your work place. Kindly share it with me, please, a whole hearted request.






  1. Dear Mr. Anand,

    First thing is that what kind of job you have or you are looking for? If the organisation is big then they will take your medical exam and check your eye. If you job demands for a good eye sight then off course they may reject you.Now you can take Lasik surgery on your eyes so that your no 6/16 may be reduce. And I don't think that color blindness is important.

    All the best

  2. Color blind people drive here all the time they just memorize which light is which color: top, bottom or middle instead of red, green or yellow.

    If you qualify to drive you should have no problem qualify for a job.

  3. You should really ask your boss, if he's okay with it or not, because sight failing will definately have an effect on your career.

    Best of luck

  4. Dear Mr. Anand,

    If you are already in the job, you need not worry. As the disorder you are having can be rectified, by wearing a spectacle or a contact lens. If this disorder is really affecting your day to day work, in turn if it is affecting your productivity, then the Company may ask you do a much lesser responsible job, until the vision is rectified.

    As such all Industries now been instructed, to recruit " full blind " people to certain percentage of their intake. Hence be optimistic.

    As for as colour blindness is concerned, at least 1:5 are colour blind ( to a particular colour or more ) in present population. Hardly it matters.

    Get the disorder rectified at the earliest, be optimistic, my best wishes to you.

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