
Eye colours can they chnage.?

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one day i woke up and i had dark blue eye's like really shocking blue.they suited me but now i have grey eye's/light blue.they don't suit me =[.and some times they are like brown at the center and green every where else.




  1. Yes, my friend has a dramatic change in her eye colour she goes to dark blue/violet to brown and hazel! But yes your eye colour can change.

  2. I have hazel eyes and they change all the time...go to an eye doctor if it is really bothering. sometimes they have contacts that can even change your color

  3. I heard that most babys are born with blue eyes.  then they change color

  4. Your eye (Iris) colour should Not change unless

    1) there is inflammation in your iris that causes depigmentation (bad)

    2) you are using medications that causes iris depigmentation (usually reversible)

    3) you have iris tumour (Very bad)

    4) the lighting is playing a trick on your eyes

    Hope this helps

  5. Light eyes (blue,hazel, green) more noticably change colors then brown eyes.

    Iridology is the study of the colored portion of the eyes. This study shows that portions of the iris that become darkened or appear murky, correspond to different body organs.

    Personally, I have hazel eyes. When I go on a three day fast and drink lots of water--my eyes look more like a bright green. If I sweat alot, they also become brighter.

    Check out more concerning iridology:

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