
Eye contact question please help?

by  |  earlier

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Well, I recived a pair of contacts and, I want to open them to test them out and see if I like them and I read they last for about 2-4 weeks and, I'm not going to be using them that often at my house... I'm only going to use them for testing but, I'll use them whenever school starts which is like a month from now, the question I have for you today is that will they dry up even if I close them back up a month from now? Or should I test them whenever school starts again because, they'll dry up. Well, thanks so much this'll make my life 100 times easier XD thanks! :D




  1. they won't dry up as long as you keep them in the contact case with solution.

    I have "2 week disposables" and they last 2 weeks, but if I switch between those and glasses they last a month.

  2. Don't leave them in the original little packages.

    You have to have a real case for them and some multi purpose solution.

    Then yes , you can leave them soaking until you need them, but change the solution every week in the case.

    Then when you do start wearing them, you change the solution every day.

  3. i would just wait, becuase even if you open them, and change the solution, i think they will deterierate

  4. well idk cause mine have been open for 3 months and i jus keep changening the soultion because i only wear then in skool or when im going out and they are fine *** long as u change the solution

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