
Eye flashes?What could be the cause?

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The past week I have been getting flashes in my eyes It started once in the right eye and all the sudden I am getting them on the left side .They less about 15 minutes but during the da they come back I ve had them bout 3-5 times a day.Anyone has an answer




  1. I would recommend seeing an eye dr immediately.  Flashes can be something serious.  I used to work in an eye clinic where they stressed getting someone in immediately if they mentioned flashes.

  2. Nothing take it easy

  3. i think its better if you check this out with your might be that you are spending a lot of time infront of your pc

  4. You may need to rest more your eyes. Try to blink more often to assure the right moisture to your eyes, avoid looking straight in light or sun, wear some sunglasses. In the evening try to put something cold on your eyes(a towel may work as well). Try to do some exercises with your eyes, for example close them and move them in every direction slowly. You may need rest, but if this persist visit a doctor.

  5. It could be a detached retina.  It could also be a neurological problem.  A detached retina must be treated immediately, otherwise, you could permanently lose your vision.  Go to the E.R.  Hope all is well soon.

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