
Eye floaters came back???

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Hi, I've had eye floaters when I was a teenager, but gradually disappeared when I became an adult. I'm now in my late 20s, and about a week ago it came back. What could have caused it to return? Was it because I use my "old" contacts? (it's a 2-week contacts and have used it for a month)

Is it because I use eye drops frequently? Or is it stress? I've been stressing about an exam I have to take. Late nights? Poor diet?

It's irritating now since I'm not used to the floaters in both my eyes. When I was younger, I've only had it in one of my eye, and it was a short thread and a dot. Now, I have it in both eyes. But the other eye has a much longer thread and 2 dots.

This is really bad since I have to take a computer-based exam, and I know this will distract me immensely!! :-(




  1. sorry, but what are eye floaters, ive never heard of it before.

  2. i have the same thing, floaters and astigmatism.  it's prolly your contacts, my eye doc told me that i would see them more often when i don't wear my glasses or contacts or when i wear my contacts longer than i should.  and he was right!  (something about changing the way your eye focuses by not using your corrective lenses properly)  change your contacts and see if it gets better.  how long has it been since you saw the eye doc?  if it's been awhile, go to see him.  floaters are usually nothing to worry about, but in very rare cases can be a sign of retinal detachment.  at any rate, he will want to know that they've come back.  good luck!

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