
Eye headaches?

by  |  earlier

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I get headaches often in the eye muscles. in the morning loads, and I used to wake up feeling refreshed and bubbly, but now i dont. :( Im 14, so that shouldnt be happening. should it? I tried this in the pain and healthcare section, but no-one answered me! :( (i dont think my question got through properly) so can anyone help me plz? what can i do to get that refreshed feeling agin and get rid of the headaches? they really get me down. plz help! x*x




  1. is probably your eye sight get your pescription checked you may need stronger glasses

  2. u proboly need strong glasses, get your self to an optition

  3. I am a Certified Medical Assistant

    My daughter goes through the same as you and she is the same age as you. Your eyes are either strained due to reading or using the computer too long.

    Is the pain in both eyes or one?

    Can you see clearly out of the affected eye?

    Do you only see half out of the affected eye?

    If you can only see half of something you have what is called Ambleopia, my daughter has that and because of it she is classified legally blind in the affected eye

    See an ophthalmologist

  4. I would suggest that you go and see your optician, you sound like you are straining too much which is effecting the muscles at the back of the eye. It is quite possible your require a different prescription...most likely stronger.

  5. I had the same thing when I was 14. I think they are migraine headaches. If they are like a light flash on one side, they are migraine headaches. It could also be connected with your hormones. Exercise helped me get rid of them. They are also stress related; exercise helps. You could see a doctor and take some medication for it.

  6. i get these pains also and i find it being a lack of sleep but what helps is a cold slice of cucumber placed on each eye for about 5 - 10mins it relaxes the muscles and helps and refreshes like you wouldn't believe

    Hope this helps i know how annoying  it can be,

  7. Keep your bedroom cool and with well aired at night (open the window a little),and get enough sleep. Drink lots of water, headaches are often because we are dehydrated.

    Also it would be a good idea to get your eyesight tested at an opticians. Talk to your parents x

  8. I would get your eyes tested as you might need a stronger prescription.
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