
Eye help???????

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i am annoyed of wear glasses and contacts. is there anyway other than laser surgery to get my vision back to normal. i have heard of a few people that started to do somethings and got rid of their glasses. i do not want to wear either glasses or contacts and more so what can i do???




  1. Hi

    What's wrong with laser surgery? Technology has improved so much over the last 10 years or so.

    Success result is stunning over 99%. I go for it

  2. Some people are opting for implanting of lenses into the eye.  It appears to have less potential for harmful issues surrounding lasik surgery.

  3. I don't know how much Lasik surgery is, but I can tell you I know a lot of people that had it and have absolutely know regrets.  I don't know the exact price (it's a little expensive) but pays for itself with the convenience it provides for you later on.

  4. You can spend between $200 and $1500 per eye for lasik.  I would spend more, since you will probably get a better doctor.  This is one area that you don't want to risk it on the bargain basement.

    There are other options.  They have contacts you wear at night and take out during the day.  You might be a candidate for that, but if you vision is really bad, then that will probably not work.  There are other surgical options, like implanting lenses or doing old-school RK (radial keratotomy).  Doing RK would be stupid, since lasik works better and has fewer side-effects.  I think laser surgery is a better option than any other surgery, but you would have to get a doctor's opinion on that.

    There was a study that showed getting laser surgery is actually lower risk for your eyes than wearing contacts for ten or twenty years.  So take that into consideration.

    I would also recommend doing PRK instead of lasik.  They are nearly identical procedures, but lasik involves cutting a flap in the eye and lasering behind the flap, while PRK they laser on the surface of the eye.  Lasik is more common and popular because it takes less time to heal and there is less pain involved.  But PRK has fewer side effects and less risk.  It also gives better results on average and is better if there is a problem, since it is more likely that it can be fixed.  PRK is also an option for people with thin conreas, while LASIK is not.  I think it is better to have a little discomfort for a week and not perfect sight for a month, but less side effects and less chance of issues down the road.  So make sure you ask your doctor about PRK before you decide on LASIK.  I'm glad I got PRK.
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