
Eye make up for asian eyes?

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im filipino (type of asian) and my eyes are kinda small but not as small as chinese or korean people. no offense to any chinese or koreans.

i want to know if i should put eyeliner on both the top and bottom of my eyes or just bottom. (top makes my eyes look smaller)




  1. Without a picture it hard to tell.  I probably just use a liquid liner on your top lash line, and a pencil on the bottom.  One of the greatest makeup artist of our time is Mally Roncal (Beyonce makeup artist) she is Filipino, here is her pic and how she has done her one makeup

    She has come out with her own beauty line, drop here a line and ask her yourself

  2. You start from the corner of upper lids and curve up towards the outer ends.  For the bottom lids, use the matching eye shadow with a thin liner brush, dab it a little bit inside corner, and dab darker towards outside corner. The idea is that you want to define your eyes and look larger, but not accentuate your imperfect ? eyes. I hope I helped you. It's a lot easier to demonstrate it to you in person, Oh, well.

  3. Check this lady out. Shes incredible. She does short tutorials on eye make up which a brilliant.

  4. are you serious?? filipinos are a pacific islanders, not asian

    wow, people these days.

    and im half chinese and my eyes are HUGE

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