
Eye pain, feels like it is going to pop out? Lack of focus......?

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My hubby just started complaining about his left eye hurting. He thought it was he contacts so he took them out, it didn't help. He says that it hurts really bad to look up and that it feels like there is a lot of pressure behind his eyeball. He also says that when he looks from one think to another it takes longer for his left eye to catch up and focus. I have no idea what is wrong with his eye, considering it is 1am, we can't take him to the doctor right now. Just wondering if anyone would know what would cause this pain? and lack of focus? If it dosen't go away by tomorrow will probably be going to the doctor. I don't know if I am being paranoid or if he just strained his eye or what? Any info would be appriciated! Thanks!




  1. my friend wears his contacts for to long sometimes and he gets crazy piercing pains from it, maybe its just the contacts but definitely  if its worse by morning get it checked out.

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