
Eye pain, please help. Google isn't giving me anything!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, about 2 hours ago I had this dull pain in my right eye, in the corner (not the eye itself, but around it - the bone). It's very watery and it it's red from me rubbing it. As time has elapsed tonight it's gotten progressively worse, bad! I can't even blink without hurting, does anyone know what this could possibly be?

Please no smart a** answers, save us both the time. Thanks a bunch.




  1. Well, doesn't sound like pink eye.  But you never know.  If it gets worse that it is now, you really should go to the doc.  And quite rubbing your eye.Could be a sinus headache, migraine...

  2. That may be serious. You don't want to mess around with your eyes. I'd see a doctor immediately.

  3. it might be an allergic reaction to something you've ate, or maybe just an ingrowing eyelash, but when i had it, i got told it was from my mascara, smell your mascara tube and if it smells of chemicals throw it away

  4. Have you tried webmd's symptom checker?

  5. You should really go see your doctor...

    best of luck! Feel better soon!! <3

  6. Tough to tell much more without examing your eye and getting some more history.  Based on the progressively worsening discomfort you're describing I'm go see a doctor about it ASAP, especially if you feel the vision in that eye has decreased.

  7. maybe it could be a stye its like a little bump on your eyelid

    or maybe if your eye is red sort of it could be a torn cornealis i think its thats what its called.

  8. It could be a form of a stye or pink eye.

    I would get some eye cleanser like saline wash or eye drops and try that. Take some allergy medicine and see if that helps as well.

  9. Webmd!!!

  10. god honest maybe an infection in the tear duct...... DONT TOUCH!!!

    or pink eye.... I wonder.......

    Ok think about it..... have u done something sexual or able to touch something w a weird disease on its surface...? it can really be anything. since your eye has tons of ways to enter viruses, it can be anything.

    Go to sleep. if it is better by tomorrow, yay... if not go to the doc.

  11. it might be a pink eye take a picture of it and i'll let you know what it is.. dont rub it cause if its pink eye your spreading bacterials..

  12. Is it kind of puffy too?

    It might be belepheritis. It's where you get too much bacteria on your eyelid around your eye lashes. I'm just now getting rid of it! My eyes have watered, itched, hurt, been red and puffy. There's also been white crusty stuff underneith them.

    I have been using SteriLid on my eyes 3 times a day. My grandpa's eye doctor told him to use it to kill the bacteria. My grandma told me to use it, and it has worked!

    I would try that, but I would also go to the eye doctor! Good luck!

  13. this has happened to me just take a rag/towel wet it down and lay it over your eyes when sleeping. DON'T RUB!!! if that doesnt work by morning i suggest you see a docter! hope you dont think im a smart ***! jk

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