Back in March 2008, I started experiencing pain in my right eye. It feels like the eye muscles are strained; or sometimes like a sharp object is touching a nerve behind the eye, or as though something is irritating the eyeball itself (lower part). There is pain when moving my right eye left to right, and a burning sensation around both eyes and dryness of the eye lid (both eyes). Sometimes a pain or numbing sensation creeps into the right side of my forehead and the right side of my cheek.
In November 2007, I got a new pair of glasses with a new prescription. Optometrist said the change was not significant, but I wanted a new RX for a new pair of glasses. Everything seemed fine until March when the pain stared, of which I've never experienced before. Been visiting the optometrist and soon an opthamologist. Don't know what is wrong...but something IS wrong!! Any advice?? Answers?? Thanks.