
Eye pressure?

by  |  earlier

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I had a eye pressure test (where they shoot the air into your eyes) and my reading was 26. The doctor told me it was a bit high but no my optic nerve looked healthy. Should I be worried about this? He told me to check back in a year to see how it is because it was there first test they have done on me. anyone a doctor or expert in this area? he told me i may get glacoma through it is that true? or are some people just higher then others




  1. If you had high eye pressures (above 21) through the "air puffer", your eye doctor should have then verified it through Goldman applanation, a more accurate measurement of your eye pressure. I would ask if he did that. If you were my patient I would not let you go for a full year.  I would do further investigating to make sure you do not have glaucoma. For example I would have checked pachymetry to start. This is a measurement of the thickness of your cornea. If you have a thick cornea, your pressure will read falsely high and that would explain your high pressures. I would schedule a follow up with that doctor or if he does not specialize or have the proper equipment to further evaluate your high pressures, ask who does in your area. DO NOT LET THIS GO FOR A FULL YEAR>>

  2. You should not be too worried, high eye pressure is treated with drops & is not a huge problem, unless you don't go back & have the pressure checked & get drops when needed.  

    If you neglect this, you could lose your sight.

    Are you taking any medications that would affect the pressure?  My pressure is a bit higher than normal due to meds I have to take & they just prescribe eye drops to keep the pressure in the safe range.
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