
Eye priscription question?

by  |  earlier

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I just got my eye checked today and got my prescription of..

right eye- sphere: -2.75

left eye- sphere: -2.75

I was just wondering, how do you compare prescription with 20/20?

Is there a way to tell what my prescription is equivalent to?




  1. You can't calculate unaided acuity or aided acuity from your prescription.

    Call your doctor's office, his staff should be able find the acuity measure on your chart and tell you.

  2. It kind of depends on the person. Your doctor or his technician could tell you very easily, though. When the tech works you up before the doctor comes in they are getting your 20/? reading among other things. It's all in your chart. You're definitely myopic enough that you wouldn't pass a driving test and you need the glasses for all the time wear.

  3. Sorry , your visual acuity ( 20/20 value)...isn't possible to tell from the prescription.

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