
Eye problem or not?help please!?

by  |  earlier

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is this an eye problem?

if i open both of my eyes big, i can't tell a big difference of which one's bigger or smaller...

but when im tired, and it is obvious that one is bigger than the other...

also same as when i don't open my eyes big... my left will open quite a bit less than the right... is this a problem or normal?




  1. any organs pair have one bigger and the other is small

    the hand you always work with is bigger than the other hand

    you can see that when you change rings from your worker hand ( right hand) to not worker hand (left one) you see that the ring became wider

    that is so normally  

  2. I have one eye that opens a little more than the other as well.  I notice it when I smile in pictures.  As long as it's always been like that for you, it's probably physiological and nothing to worry about.  If it's something new, you should get it checked out (any changes in or around your eyes should be checked out just to make sure nothing is going on).  Have you ever been to an eye doctor?  If so, (and you've always been like this) I wouldn't worry about it; the doctor would have mentioned if there were a problem.  If not, you should.  Everyone should have their eye health checked out every couple of years.

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