
Eye problems,HELP ME!!!!?

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My eyes burn almost every single DAY! And every time I cry they burn then! am I going blind? HELP!




  1. Um, I reeeaally think you should see a doctor. yahoo answers isn't the best place for this. Besides, it sounds serious

  2. u should see ur eye doctor im not sure if ur going blind but ur doctor will be able 2 better tell u if its serious

  3. You probably have dry eyes.  Go see a doctor as this is a treatable condition.  You can also purchase an eye lubricant at the pharmacy.

  4. Go to a doctor, that is the best thing..Perhaps it is not a big deal, but you will feel much better and above all, you will be relieved...!

    Good luck to you..

  5. You probably have dry eyes. See an ophthalmologist and ask to have your tear production and tear break up time tested. In the mean time, check out

  6. It come from you scratching you eyes...

    when you scratch your eyes the skin rips(espicially around allergy season)and the saline from tears make the scratch burn.

    It's like when you cut your finger and run it under water,it BURNS.

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