
Eye problems-irritated, pain?

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I have had this pain for a while now, I have had on and off blood eye (JUST MY LEFT EYE) and I dont know whats going on. I wear contacts and admittedly rarely take them out at night before bed, but that has changed recently because I have been worried.

You know what rediculous eyewatering pain when something is stuck in your eye or between your contact? Well, randomly I get that (fairly rare) but my left eye stays bloodshot. And every once in awhile that pain will just come out, and it hurts to look at light (rarely)

My right eye has been fine this whole time, so its just my left eye.

When the pain comes on, i take my contact out, clean it, and put drops in, but that has not worked, it gives temporary relief but the pain generally stays but goes away.

I think it might be a contact that is in the back of my eye, but my parents think it might be diabetes........ but they've always been the first ones to scare me. What do y'all think? Im going to walmart vision center tomorrow, so hopefully I can get some sort of answer(s) there too.





  1. You might be getting a reaction from the material that the contact lenses are made of , which is very possible . I am not sure the diabetes has anything to do with it . Your best bet would to contact your eye doctor and let him a have  a look before it gets worse . Remember you only have to eyes .Good luck and have a great day  

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