
Eye redness that hadnt gone away in over 2 months?

by  |  earlier

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What could it be, my eyes feel tired, the redness sometimes goes away, but sometimes it comes back for what seems to be no apparent reason. It started in one eye, now both are red. Could this be a sign of bad health, of a disease? I've also had chest pains, I dont have a doctor, and everytime I go to the doc, they dont seem to think its a big deal. But then again, doctors dont really give a c**p if you die or not.




  1. From what I'm reading it may be conjunctivitis. It could also be that your eyes are being depraved of rest or moisture. But thats just me, I'm not a doctor.

    You have to see a doctor ASAP. Do you want it to get worse or stop it before it does?

  2. Doctors do give a c**p, it just depends if you listen to them or not and take them seriously.

    If your "redness" has not gone away in two months, there definitely is something going on. Redness is all subjective so depending on how you treat your eyes and health, anything can be the cause of it. Contacts, bad hygeine, high blook pressure, diabetes, take your pick. Sounds like your venting and haven't really seen an optometrist to solve your problems. You should also see a cardiologist about that chest pain.

    Good Luck and God Speed.

  3. The only suggestion I can give you is either go get an eye doctor and a family doctor. That's the best I can do for you since you've had this redness for over 2 months.

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