
Eye sight blurry.. will it get better if i leave it?

by  |  earlier

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i think i'm losing my vision slightly but i don't want to wear glasses or lenses. If i leave my eyes will they strenghthen over time? i've heard that glasses/ lenses actually weaken eyes and that sometimes they can get better if they are just left. i'm 16 by the way. Xx




  1. Nope...

  2. Go the the eye doctor asap, your eyes might get worse and worse until you need like serious glases and that wont be good, just go to the doctor and see what he says, best of luck! xoxo

  3. You should go for a eye exam. not wearing glasses will just make you not see properly. I first notice I couldn't see so well at the age of 12 years and I hid that fact from everybody until I was about 16. By then my eyes were pretty weak and as the doctor said, my prescription was strong for a first prescription and he wondered how I was able to go around without glasses or contacts. I always wore contact since then today my eyes are more weaker but answering your questioning, at least on my experience, not wearing glasses/contacts didn't really do any good to my eyes. If you don't glasses go to the doctor and get contacts, people will no even notice (i was very shy of using glasses) and you will be able to enjoy crispy vision. And if you notice having to go to the eye doctor every year for new stronger prescription its not he eye glasses /contacts but your eyes that are just getting weaker. Good luck.

  4. The progression of your vision isn't affected by whether or not you wear glasses.  It's determined partly by genetics, and your eye will grow and change as you grow.  Eyesight rarely gets better in the teens and twenties, and unfortunately there's no way to stop it from getting worse.  I suggest going to an optometrist so you can start seeing clearly again.  :)

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