
Eye sight <span title="question..............................................?">question....................</span>

by  |  earlier

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ok so when i try to read sumthing the print looks kind of weird. ii cant describe wat the weirdness even looks like, its just weird. i guess u could say its sort of blurry or like it moves. and sumtimes the bakcground moves.this only happens sumtimes, wen im thinking about it. i dnt know whether or not iv convinced myself this happens or tht it actually happens. iv been to three eye doctors over the past year and i have told them each has said tht theres nothing weird with my exams and i should try wearing glasses wen reading. could their be sumthing potentially rly bad with my eyes. im a really nervous person by nature and i would rly like to know bc i feel like it could be sumthing serious.




  1. I would recommend seeing an Ophthalmologist.  Especially if you worry a lot.  Sometimes muscles can cause this and NOT vision. An ophthalmoligist works more with the physical health of the eye whereas and Optometrists primary focus is to make you see better.  I would get a check up as soon as you can.  Good luck!

  2. go to optician and get your eyes checked, it could either because you need reading glasses or something else, just to be on the safe side go and get your eyes checked out  

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