
Eye stent , makeup problem?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so a week ago i had a DCR (Dacryocystorhinostomy) procedure, and i went to get it checked up and my doctor said that it looked good, and that I'll have to keep the stent they put in for two months. now i have a problem about that because i wear eyeliner every day and i am now willing to give it up. I'm not sure if for those two months I'm not allowed to wear any or if the stents are just there to keep the tear ducts open. (its just a little clear tube that runs through one duct into the other, keeping it open.i really need eyeliner i look awful without it. so, do you think i can wear it or maybe there is some other makeup that i can use.




  1. I just had the DCR on my left eye, scheduled for my right eye in 3 weeks.  I had to stop wearing makeup before the first surgery because it was causing so much irritation with all the eye watering.  it was tough at first, but you should probably stop because think about what would happen if some little mascara flake got caught up in the tube or what if it got into the tear duct that was just created and is still healing?   I think it could cause some real problems and you should just accept that you can't wear it for awhile.  I think I look better with it too but I'm not willing to cause problems and end up having the surgery again, or worse a glass tube that is permanent. a couple of months isn't that bad and consider yourself lucky, my doctor won't take mine out for 6 months!  good luck and be safe!

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