
Eye trouble that hit its peak tonight....

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For the past 4 years or so, I have constantly been in my doctor's office for eye irritations - feels like a foreign object, scratchy, floaters, swelling, infections, nearly everything under the sun. I'm 20 years old and it seems like I get styes multiple times a year as well as infections such as pink eye. Everytime I go they shine light into my eye or use a dye and look at it under a black light - they tell me there is nothing in my eye and that it's not scratched and send me on my way. I'm frustrated as h**l because I feel that there is something going on with my eyes that no one will take a closer look at. I shouldn't be getting pink eye 3 times a year and styes twice a year, it doesn't make any sense. A few hours ago I was in so much pain, my eyes were burning and scratchy and I couldn't get any relief - drops, flushing with water, cold compress, warm compress...nothing helped. I've never experienced anything like that, I was ready to hop in the car and go to the ER room. But then it suddenly stopped, just like that. I'm going to the eye doctor tomorrow because I can't take this anymore and I'm leaving for school in 3 weeks, does anyone have any clue what this could be ('m looking for like a condition name)?




  1. Since you've seen all of those doctors and they've done all of those tests, it may just be allergies. If you're not taking allergy medicine, you may want to start taking some (see an allergist). It really sounds like an allergy problem, but if you're already on allergy medicine, you may want to see a different eye doctor just in case. I have plenty of eye problems (I'm pretty young and I just had a corena transplant), so I know what you're going through. Trust your gut though. You know your body better than anyone else!

  2. Have you seen an Ophthalmologist or just an optometrist? IF you havent seen an Ophthalmologist, see one. They are real eye doctors and can diagnose and treat your eye problems. If you have seen an Ophthalmologist, get a second opinion. It could be allergy related or a problem with the oil glands on the eyelids.

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