
Eye twitch!?

by  |  earlier

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I've has it for about a week now and it's in both of my eyes but mostly my left eye. My eyes just spaz out and start rapidly blinking and widening. I can controll it, and I try to stop, but whenever I do stop my eyes start to get really dry so I start to do it again. What is this and what can I do to stop it!?




  1. It is a sing of eyestrain. You have a tired eye, and probably dried out.

  2. not to be creepy, but my grandma always said that a twitching eye was a sign that someone was going to make you ticked off in the future....(kinda bizzar but thats what she said)....i put a hot towel on my lids for about 5-10 minutes or take a hot shower, then usually goes away the nx day

    hope things work out

  3. go see an eye docter right away.

  4. twitching eyes is sign of eyestrain  --see your eye doctor --also family doctor for any neurasthenia

  5. stop stressing out

  6. A twitching eye is usually a signal that you are stressed or tired. Even if you are doing something fun like being on vacation, fun stress is still stress. You need some good nights of sleep and you need your vitamins, you should eat some good fruits and vegetables and drink some good water as well as taking some 20 minute walks every day.  It should clear up in a couple of days. If you do not take care of yourself you might end up getting sick.

  7. Go to the doctor!!

  8. that sounds like a stigmatism. its when your eye muscles move on their own. theirs meds that can help that, and there is other treatments. you should go see an eye doctor.

  9. stop spending time on yahoo answers. go to your doctor right away

  10. It is from fatigue and usually won't go away quickly its the bodies way of telling us to slow down and get some rest.  Yes its annoying but nothing harmful.
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