
Eye twitch won't go away, even after prescription eye drops and glasses...what is this?

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I've had a couple checkups with an eye doctor and she said my eyes were extremely dry and I had a slight astigmatism - I hoped this would cure the twitch that happens countless times a day in my left upper lid. It's been about 2 months and the twitch is still there. No sign of a tumor or anything, what else could this be? It's so aggravating.




  1. Usually sheer tiredness or stress. Try not to think about it. It will go away.

  2. Twitching of the eyelids are usually due to hyper-responsiveness of the small musle fibers around the eye. Anxiety, bad sleep and high caffeine consumption (coffee, chocolate, cola drinks,...) are the usual causes. Have more rest. Have a low caffeine diet. Apply warm compressess. If it's severe and intolerable, there are drugs that can suppress the condition. Ask your doctor about it.

  3. As I am sure your doctor explained, this is an involuntary muscle spasm in the eyelid area called Blepharospasm.  It is believed to be caused by an abnormal functioning of certain nerve areas located at the base of the brain which control the coordination of muscle movements.

    In the majority of people it appears without any real known cause. Frequently, the signs and symptoms of dry eye occur right before or along with the appearance of eye twitching.  Often stress and/or tiredness can enduce the problem, as well as contribute to its continuance.  

    In additional to the medical treatment, by your doctor,  I would recommend the old cucumber beauty remedy for reducing puffiness and dryness in and around the eyes.

    Simply slice a cucumber (preferably chilled for me) and lay the slices over the eyes and resting for a bit!  Some will say cucumbers have not been proven to have a real medical benefit, but they feel cool against the eyes and allow you to sit back and relax, taking your mind off of the problem.  Thus will increase eye hydration, as cucumbers are made up of 90-95% water and contain important enzymes.

    I have done this many times, for various reasons, including eye twitching!  They not only relax the eyes, but also offer a refreshed feeling in and around the eyes.  

    Please take a look at the links below; I hope they offer more insight to your condition!

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