
Eye twitching HELP!?

by Guest65412  |  earlier

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ok i have a twitch/tick under my eye and has been there ocassionally this week but yesterday + 2day it has been there non stop! what in the world gives? i know im socially anxious but thats too much, is there a quick fix? a place in my head i can smack? HELP!




  1. my doctor had me drink tonic water, because it has quinine in it which I believe somewhat blocks the nerves. It's worked for me, but I agree that the causes can be too much caffeine, stress and too little sleep.

      By the way, the tonic water tastes nasty so maybe mix it with fruit juice or just guzzle it. You can find it with the mixers in the soda or liquor aisle.  

  2. try to stay away from thge computer a little more drink more milk and lay off the caffeine.

  3. The cause of eye twitch isn't known. But it may be associated with fatigue, stress or caffeine. An eye twitch is usually harmless. Rarely, a twitching eyelid can be a symptom of a muscle or nerve disorder

  4. Oh man :)....I k how u feel. I had one that lasted about a month (lot of stress) This is gonna sound silly, but take a couple of Tylenol. Then, take a deep breath. When the twitch starts, slow your breathing. Breath deeply but not so much that you remember to relax!!!

  5. drink more milk

  6. Here you go....
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