
Eyebrow Piercing vs Nipple Piercing?

by  |  earlier

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:) for my boyfriend

advantages and disadvantages of both

and preferably nothing crude like "eyebrow piercings are gross" because thats not what im asking.




  1. UR DIRTY, NIPPLE YUCK!!!! eye brow nice!! : )$$$  

  2. im kinda confused about everyones opinions.. serious thinking must be done.. we dont wanthim to regret it.. im thinking possibly eyebrow but im not sure......

  3. personally i prefer eyebrow i think they're cute

  4. i say eye brow

    it looks hotter

    you dont wanna ruin his nipples lol.

  5. NEITHER! Go for the bellybutton piercing

  6. eyebrow piercing is good coz its visible to evecryone and nip piercing is not...and also nip piercing may not be pleasent for ur bf while kissing ur nips babe!!!! go for eyebrow piercing and hav an advantage.

  7. go for the nips

  8. hey don't go for nipple peircing .....then how would ur boy friend suck ur nipples  

  9. eyebrow..i think when u older u will really regret getting a nipple piercing

  10. Eyebrow piercings are very dependant on facial structure. Most people look kind of stupid with them. They are notorious for being annoying to heal, getting ripped out, infected, rejecting, etc. If something went wrong, or if he just heals funny, he will have a scar on his face in a very noticeable spot. If it gets ripped or rejects, it's unlikely that hair will grow back acros the scar. That said, some people look great with them and have no problems at all...

    Nipple piercings will be much more painful. But just about any guy with a decent body can pull those off. They're not as likely to get bumped around and don't often reject. They do take longer to heal and can be a lot of work. People can't see them all the time. I personally consider that a bonus- sometimes it's nice to havea  secret. But some people would consider that a negative.

    anyway, most likely, were it my bf, i'd say nipples. If he can take the pain. I've heard it actually worse for men to get them done than women.

  11. a boy got his ring ripped threw (nipple) ebrow woulf be cooler i say

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