
Eyelashes & Hair Falling Out?

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Please help me. I'm a 17 year old female. I have been losing handfuls of hair a day the last few months and, until recently, just blamed my stressful schedule. Yesterday I lost an enormous amout of eyelashes buy just bumping them. They all fell out in one spot in the middle so I have a very large gap with no eyelashes. It's probably a centimeter in width and I'm really worried. I lost more than normal and more then I ever have. They seemed fine yesterday morning. I have not changed any eye makeup products recently and usually wash my makeup off before bed. I have been extremely tired and fatigued lately and have had horrible headaches the past week or so. It seems like I always have a runny nose or a sore throat and I just feel sick all the time. Please help me figure out what going on with my body right now. It's really starting to affect my life.

Here's a link to a picture of my eyelashes taken yesterday night:¤t=NeedstobeSorted006.jpg




  1. Stress alone won't cause this, unless there is an underlying problem.  It might be alopecia, or thyroid, or lupus, or bad hair coloring, or the change in the weather for all we know!  Get yo' tail to a doctor and get some diagnostic lab work done.  Do not let any doctor pat you on the head and send you on your way with out finding an answer.  It could be minor or it could be serious, but it is definitely not "nothing".  

    Good Luck!

  2. i cant see the picture

  3. go to the doctor. its probably serious!

  4. ive actually looked his up before. it is definitely cuz of stressing out. try taking a  nap every now nd then or just listen to should help and i know that the hair will grow back because that happends to me everytime i am stressed and the eyelashes will to.=)

  5. Most likely, you have Hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism can cause rapid hair loss. Also, it can cause many other symptoms such as trembling hands, severe fatigue, weight loss, fast heart rate, and muscle weakness. A simple blood test will show how well your thyroid is functioning. For this, visit your doctor.  

  6. u should get checked out for alopecia its a disease where u loose your hair but i don't think its deadly but it just might be stress or hereditary or something but just 2 b safe get checked for everything that has symptoms like this

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