
Eyeliner for darker skined people?

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ok you know how white people can put on eyeliner and it comes out nice and dark and you can see it like this. since shes so light the dark shows up real well.

but is there a eyeliner that goes on dark and noticable on darker skin people like black, like ive tried different kinds, but they dont come out really dark like i like it.




  1. Personally, I go for darker eyeliners like amethyst, navy, and black.  I usually use Cover Girl eyeliner (that kind that when you twist it, it sharpens itself), and that seems to show up really well.  But if you can't find a liner suitable to your needs, why don't you try a liquid liner from MAC.

    here are their choices of liners...

  2. If you want to have a black eyeliner on black/dark skinned. , the pigment has to be stronger .  Try Luxurious eyeliner from Revlon in Black velvet or U.G.N.Y waterproof eyeliner in Black .  One trick you can try is get the darkest blue you can find ( Bourjois Duochrome in Blue black ) , apply as eyeliner on lash line .  This will appear as black on your skin.

    Have fun with neon eye-colours as only dark skinned ladies can carry off beautifully and will look garish on other skin tones .

    Try Iman Cosmetics.

  3. i dont know.

    but it looks like black eyeliner is as dark as you can get.

    and if tht isnt dark enough for you then maybe you should try colors.

    i have this friend who has the koolest hot pink eyeliner and it looks so good on her dark skin but not so nice with my lighter skin.

    but purple and green are also pretty.

  4. It has more to do with application than skin color. As is done on Lohan in that picture, and as you should do, apply liquid eyeliner first, then go over it black pigment or a high pigment black eyeshadow with a small angle brush. It will make the black "blacker" and stand out more against your skin. I'm also darker skinned [half black] and doing this makes a great deal of difference. Also, applying an eyeshadow that is a few shades lighter than your skin color will increase the contrast.

    If you're still having problems, get a higher quality black eyeliner, shop around MAC or Sephora and ask a MUA to give you some tips on what to purchase and application. It's very possible to get the contrast you're looking for on dark skin.

    You can also ask this question in my Myspace group, or any other makeup questions you have:

  5. apply it on the inner part of ur eye it will show up better trust me my mom was a make up artist good luck !

  6. i mixed and my sister has darker skin she applies not so much on the bottom and thicker on the top, the results are FABULOUS!!!

  7. why don't you try a white eyeliner, then go over it with dark brown eyeliner. the contrasting colors will highlight your eyes and show up exotically on dark skin.

  8. Well, I use eyeliner by either Rimmel or Almay and it's always shown up on my skin. But I'm not that dark, I'm like medium skinned. Try it and see!

  9. Hi there,

    This can be a problem for lovely darker skinned ladies, but the best thing to do is to make sure you have a highlighting shadow on the lid, one with a shimmer to it that will reflect and the black liner will then show up.

    hope that helps.


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