
Eyeliner only on Top Eyelid ?

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Is it okay if I just use black eyeliner on the top of my eyelid.

What effect does it create ?

I like the natural look and I dont like it to harsh.

no makeup ~

Any tips ?




  1. If you use liquid eyeliner, it will give you more cat like eyes, so use a light black, pencil, for it to look more natural,

    and apply it close to the lashes..

    Hope I helped XP


    Sandy Gold's makeup videos are really good

    ^^^ that one is how to get lauren conrad's look; which is what youre describing.. she doesnt like liner on the bottom eyelid for a natural effect

    sandy pretty muchh tells you all the tips for the eyeliner on the top...

    skip to the eyeliner part =]

  3. Check out these make-up videos. A lot of them I found were very helpful. Watching them were very worthwhile.


  4. don't do a thick line on the top eyelid if u want natural, do a very thin one, also, black on the bottom eyelid is natural looking and very stylish. using black eyeliner on the top lid creates a glamor look, which is great but if u want natural use the liner very thin and sparingly  

  5. my goodness you ask so many questions about eyeliner! its not that hard!

    and ive seen that one pic like ten times! search it on google! gosh!

  6. If you put it on the top lid it makes it look unnatural.....get a brown eyeliner pencil with a smudge brush on the end and put it on the bottom.

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