
Eyes Burning! Help please!?

by  |  earlier

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I ran out of saline solution for my contacts so I stored them overnight in eye redness drops. But they do not say "for contacts" on the label, or anything about contacts. So I went to put them on and everything was fine until about 30 min. later. My eyes burned terribly and I took them out, but my eyes kept burning, but with less intensity. They are still burning 7-10 hrs later and I dont know what to do!

They especially burn when I close my eyes. They aren't dry because my eyes are constanty tearing up. So much that I'm probably getting dehydrated.




  1. your eyes are very irritated..........ride it out....

  2. you need to flush out your eyes constantly and make sure you soak the contacts in clean water. theses eye drops were not made for contacts but you ll be OK just make sure to keep flushing out your eyes love

  3. okay... GO SEE A DOCTOR!

    call the er, do somethign don't just post about your problems, there is no such thing as an online doctor, and its amazing that you are able to type with your poor burning eyes.

    and if your dehydrated, then DRINK WATER SMARTIE!!!

  4. my eyes burn too sometimes when i put my contacts in. But you can flush your eye out by using a water bottle cap and filling it with water (if you don't have anything else) flush your eye out. I would say just leave your contacts out for today and try again tomorrow. Now when i put my contacts in i rinse them under cool water before i put them into my eyes.

  5. Hey, Ok get like a plate or something and fill it with cold water. Put the contacts in it for 1 second. Like dip it and take it out. Then put it into ur eyes. It will cool it down. Then take it out again and repeat process until its all out. It works ive tried. I did same mistake as u

  6. You probably won't make the same mistake again, but I'll say it anyway. You should not store your lenses in anything other than clean, new, contact solution that is recommended for your lens type.

    If you have any lubricating drops left, you might try to see if they help. Do not use any drops for redness. In fact, unless you are hiding something, just get rid of them for good because they are worse for the root causes of the redness than doing nothing at all. They usually make dryness and irritation worse.

    The redness drops also would not properly clean or sterilize the lenses, so you open yourself up to an infection risk. Bacteria can grow incredibly fast in warm moist conditions, like a contact case overnight.

    If your eyes are not better in the morning go and see your doctor to get solution and drops and a checkup.


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