
Eyes going bad?

by  |  earlier

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in the past year or so my eyesight has gotten quite bad. I can see things up close very well, but anything more than 10 feet away is doubled and blurry. I know not so long ago i could see that far away just fine, now i cant even read the clock from my couch without squinting.

I am only 26, but i spend about 10 hours a day in front of a monitor at work, its LCD and i usually do get a couple of minute break every hour or so (use the copier etc)

Is it the computer sending me blind or could it be something else.

Am i going to need glasses? Will glasses fix me?




  1. You probably have a simple refractive error. This isn't caused by your computer use. You need glasses or contacts.

  2. Yes you should get your eyes checked.  Also are you on any meds?  Some meds can affect eyes.

  3. Hi. Would suggest you get your eyesight may be developing myopia and need glasses, and yes they will help you see better. Even with breaks in between, many hours in front of the computer could ruin your eyesight. So do go see your eye doctor. Good luck!
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