
Eyes out of kilter...?

by Guest21231  |  earlier

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Do YOUR eyes ever go `out of kilter`!? Mine do occasionally.

I get sort of `shapes` - and nomatter what I look at, the shape persists affecting the clarity of what I can see. (Today I had a really weird shape - like a gremlin)...{No, not my avatar!}

They will go ok after a while, but this usually lasts anything up to half an hour.

Any opticians or eye-specialists out there, reading this?




  1. I have not really heard of this, so maybe you need an appointment with an eye doctor so that they can see what it is that you are experiencing. It might be something really small, but if it is a big deal you should be seen.

  2. I have felt like my eyes are crossed or stuck but never out of shape and it only lasts a couple of seconds. You might want to get that checked out.

    Is it ever heart shaped?

  3. I get this regularly Mick.  

    I went to see my Doctor a few years ago and he described it as a 'Painless Migraine'.  

    So, when I get one, I think myself lucky that I don't get the pain that goes with a Migraine.

    If I'm driving, I pull over for a while and, as you say, they only last 20 - 30 minutes.  

    There, you heard it first from Dr loujay56.
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