
Eyes warping out when i look at some things.....?

by  |  earlier

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ok this is odd, but has anyone else ever had this weird eye thing.

If i look at some things it's as if there is a mirage over it.

Especially black and white things or tiled things.

Sometimes I will get an Aura around it if it totally freaks out my eyes.

however my eyes are fine!

Does anyone know what i mean or am i just a bit of freak?





  1. This is happening because your eyes are strained and need glasses.

  2. haha yesss it happens to me  as well. I was actually in the shower last night, and the tiles on the wall felt like they were 3 inches away from my face when in fact they were about 2 feet away, haha.

    I just close my eyes and shake my head and it goes away...

  3. I am sure

    That this happens, when you star and dont move you eyes.

    Your eyes only see in images like the way a movie works.

    One frame after another.

    If you eyes are steady and do not move at all, even slightly.

    Then there are not two images to compare too.

    So it just remembers that one image, and is slowly "Deleted" the longer you stare.

    Once your eyes move even a little a new image will replace that one and you will see the whole image again.

    i have doen that a lot in the bathroom making the lines of the tiles "Disapear"




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