
Eyes what now opthamlic students opticians anyone good with eyes tell me?

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I have cvs (Computer vision syndrome) and am taking a break from the comp as MUCH as i can now i cant get glasses have no money and cant go doctors optitions so noone say go there because i wont and can't anyway i need to know if i just try and stay away from computers fopr a weak or two will the slight slight blurryness and not being able to focus that well go away and get better and if so how long will it take and how long shall i stay away fropm the computer thanks and i will be giving 10 points for best answer




  1. Here's a good link for some ideas. It's pretty much the same as what I would suggest. You have to change what you are looking at every so often while you are using the computer. I'm a programmer, but I can't touch type, so I have to look away while I'm typing. If I'm playing a game though that's a different story and I make sure I take a break every little while. I always try to keep changing my focus though to prevent problems. Also make sure there is proper lighting and that any glare on the screen is minimized.

  2. If this question is being asked for a child, I would ask what they are using the computer for.  If it is gaming and such, then perhaps their eyes are simply fatigued by the computer and going on less would definitely relax the eyes.  If it is for school work and unavoidable, then increasing the size of the font and increasing the contrast and resolution of the screen can also help.  

    In most areas there are programs for children.  Many optometrist offices can put you in touch with organizations that will help cover the cost of spectacles if they are needed.  Also, most countries offer free eye health examinations for children.  Please look into these options.  If the eye strain continues untreated, it could perhaps lead to a stronger prescription being needed.  Eye fatigue can sometimes indicate an emerging need for stronger glasses.  Was there any mention of muscle fatigue as well as CVS?

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