
Eyesglasses or contacts?

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which is a better price? Eyeglasses or contacts? How much does it costs and is it worth it?




  1. glasses are of coarse cheaper and contacs are are more of a pain to put in and work with,and lose.

  2. even though contacts cost more, they are soo worth it. you'll be happier with contacts.

  3. You really need both, kinda expensive but you'll be happier.

  4. if you dont mind glassas then they r better but if it doesn't bother you to stick contacts in your eye then they r better. glasses- about $75=100 contact- about $50=85 they r there both worth it!!! good luck<3

  5. Contacts are more costly than glasses in the long run. The cost actually varies. Factors include the company/brand of the contacts, if you plan to get plain or coloured and where you buy them (online or at an optical store) and how often you plan to change them (every two weeks, one week, every month.....).  

    Personally I prefer contacts to glasses. I wore glasses for 11 years and started to wear contacts 4 months ago and I don't regret the change. I don't mind shelling out more money for contacts. I buy my lenses online using my prescription from my eye doctor. At my Optical store it's $400 for a yearly supply ( I change them every two weeks). But when I bought the same thing online I got it for $245 for a yearly supply.

    In the's really up to you some people feel better wearing glasses because contacts may not be comfortable to them and some feel better wearing contacts because glasses might "get in the way of things". Try both for 1 week if you can, and see which you prefer.

  6. its more of a personal preference... i dont like contacts bcuz i think they are uncomfortable... however i know people who prefer them... as far as the cost goes glasses are usually $100 and up for a pair.. and contacts are like $12 and up for a month

  7. Glasses are probably a little cheaper in the long run, I generally prefer them since they are just so much faster to put on and take off.  Occasionally I wear contacts.

  8. My contacts cost about $65 2 times a year.. There the kind you can keep in for up to 3 weeks.. I had glasses for a year and they were terrible.. I suggest getting contacts over glasses because glasses get in the way..

  9. On my point of view it depends on your prescription. On my case, Due to my somewhat high prescription (-5 both eyes) eyeglasses must be made with a thinner material otherwise it will have thick edges so the price increases a lot with that material. Contact lenses in the other hand, since I have no astigmatism, I can buy them at walmart for around 23.00 a box and will hold me for at least 2 months. at the long run, I have to agree with the other answers, short run, contacts are cheaper but at the long run glasses are cheaper since if your prescription doesn't change you can always keep the same eyeglasses but contact lenses, you must buy them every couple of months but they provide you with better vision.

  10. well contacts are much expensives but very nice...


  11. Contacts will cost less in the short run but after about a year or two contacts are more pricey. Contacts are worth the money however, especially daily ones. Most glasses are nerdy or wierd looking enless you have some good lookin glasses or are the type of person that looks good with glasses.

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