
Eyeshadow question. <span title="******************************************************************************************">*************************...</span>

by  |  earlier

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hi, i was just wandering which one of these eyeshadows in the link below (their are 4 different pallettes) would look better with dark brown eyes!?!?!




  1. the pink 1

  2. the pink

  3. The light pink one

    It already says its for brown eyes.

    so it&#039;ll most likely look good with dark brown eyes.

    and since it flatters youre eye color, it&#039;ll look great.

  4. I think all colors would be fine with dk brown eyes.  If your eyes have flecks of hazel in them, the green will enhance them, and they will look brighter.

    It also depends on the color near your face.  Try different colors and light/dark with clothing.  

    Each face is so different - deep set eyes?  almond, round, or oval shaped eyes?   dark or light lashes and eye brows?  color tone of skin?  and, of course, your age, the time of day, and the event?

    Whatever you choose, remember to protect your lids by putting a tinny bit of light lotion on them a few minutes before you add any color.  It not only protects the skin, but keeps the shadow from falling off onto your eyelashes or cheeks :)

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