
Ezekial: What bodyguard path will he take?

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Do you think he will be like Diesel and Batista who started as bodyguards before becoming main event level superstars, or do you see him being like Mr Hughes and Virgil who started as bodyguards and then never really became any more then jobbers to the stars?




  1. Zeke is Ahmed Johnson

  2. not sure but he looks impressive so far but it's kinda early too tell.

  3. I can't say...I've never seen him wrestle. I could say that as far as his look goes, he has more of a main event look, unlike Mr. Hughes and Virgil.

  4. good question..i dont see him as a main evneter..i can see him as a midcarder tho

  5. This is what I think is going to happen The Brian Kendrick is going to feud with Chavo, so then Ezekial and Bam are also going to get evolved and in the end it will be Chavo and Neely vs Kendrick and Ezekial for the tag titles  

  6. I can see him branching out on his own and having some success, maybe US or Intercontinental Champ, but I don't see him being as successful as Diesel or Batista, even though Batista sets the bar pretty low.

  7. main eventer not quite wwe champ type tho

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