
F 1 WOLF and WOLF DOGS?????????

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when a child asks questions about their supposed high contents, and they block or report the answers they don't like (i know, kids will be kids), how can we be sure they're asking legit questions? and not just Trolling to start trouble?

i haven't seen pics, so i have my doubts. i think this kid has a wolfish looking GSD and she's playing make believe.

how do you know if a question is legit?






  2. you don't.

    Ignorance breeds Ignorance.

    Is their an another Yahoo answers for 'Adults? Like 'Adult Yahoo answers' for people over 21?  Must show proof of ID to join.

    Silly I know but these people sicken me with their stupid cruel comments and have no compassion what so ever. Sometimes its not worth the stress and caring for the people and their pets by taking up my time away from my family to give good sound advice from MY experiences.

    Someone should tell, as you are now when one is suspected, I could the say its Avatar name starts with a A---y. But I won't .

    I am tired of kids and trolls and at times and that our knowledge is NOT appreciated. The person who asks a legitimate question on here gets steered in the wrong direction cause of bad TD's. The person who asked the question  gets the wrong answers because someone has TD'd domeone cause of their status. Thats anoither thing. Take away the staus and points..what are we going to win a new car a trip to Switerland?  NO. What are they good for, nothin. I am tired of  being TD when no one else has left an answer.  Come on!! ENOUGH! Then the TOP of the TOP get violations and suspensions for what, Trol-S getting away with the BS that they shovel out hourly. They are sad, lonely,un educated bodies. I can't even call them  un educated people the have no hearts.

    We are here for real people with real needs for their pets. These TROL-S are causing more harm than good. The person who asked the question usually gets some un educated advice. Then the pet suffers.Why? Jealous cause you were made Top Contrib , why?  Because we care and have something they don't..knowledge and a heart.

  3. You don't.  You will never know unless this very person comes knocking on your door with dog in tow.

    Many people on here claim to have wolf dogs - and yes, they either ignore the answer or TD it and completely disagree... and continue on about their way crowing about their so-called wolf dogs.  Thus, spreading misinformation about wolf dogs in general, and endangering this animal that they say they respect and admire.  

    And how do we know if it's legit?  You can always ask for pictures, they'll either show you a picture of a dog who they believe to be wolf cross - when in fact, it's extremely low, if any, wolf content at all, or they will grab a picture off the web somewhere.  I do believe that one certain person has already been busted for doing just that, and when called about it, blocked the one who caught on.

    It's a shame the lengths some will go.

    People need to stop bragging, shut-up and listen to those that know better.

  4. You don't.

    It's pretty much impossible

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