
F-14 or F-18. Which is better?

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F-14 or F-18. Which is better?




  1. The F-14D Super Tomcat is the better aircraft, and here's why

    Better thrust to weight ratio than an F/A-18

    Better high and mid speed turning capability than the F/A-18

    Longer tracking and engagement zone than an F/A-18

    More intimidating than an F/A-18 (Iraqi pilots ran from F-14s, shot down an F/A-18)

    Note, I gave no specific generation (original, modified or "super") because a Tomcat is better than ANY Hornet!

  2. The f-14 is a more capable aircraft in it's ability to track and destroy multiple targets in the role of protector or the fleet.  .


    The F-18 (the original prototype was called the YF-17 and was built and designed by Northrup and lost to the YF-16 (F-16) in a fly off competition for a lightweight fighter for the Air Force)  McDonnell Douglas saw promise in the design and knew the Navy would be attracted by the twin engine design favored for carrier use.  The design was resurrected as the F-18.  


    Comparing the two is like comparing apples and oranges because the role of each design is different. The F-18 is a strike aircraft while the F-14 is used by the Navy for fleet defense and in strike missions.


  3. the F/A- 18

    the F-14 was a great aircraft, but the F/A- 18 is better in my opinoin.

  4. F-18.

  5. the F-18. its newer, more powerful, and more advanced.

  6. Only the Iranians have F-14s now.  The F-18 is in front line service and replaced the F-14.

    Sure the F-18 is slower, and doesn't have the big radar and AIM-54 Phoenix missiles, but these are of limited value in a modern conflict.  The Phoenix had all kinds of problems and was meant to bring down bombers at long range, not highly maneuverable fighters with good countermeasures.

    The F-18 is far more maneuverable and has many advances with the SuperHornet over the F-14.

    BTW: the Naval SuperHornets are all two crew.

  7. The Tomcat will return from the battle...

    The F/A-18 doesn't have anything significant that the F-14 hasn't but the Tomcat's twin crew and the Phoenix can give it the advantage. An experienced F-14 crew will try to finish the battle from long range, a salvo of AIM-54s followed by AMRAAMs. It will be a battle between the Hornet's countermeasures against the Slammer's smartness.

  8. My personal favorite is the F-14.  In my opinion it was the better aircraft of the two

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