
F-18 Super hornet or MIG-35 which plane is best?

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F-18 Super hornet or MIG-35 which plane is best?




  1. These two are really close in regards to combat performance.  I'd put them as equals.  The only problem I see is that the Mig-35 is based on the Mig-29 airframe.  The Mig-29 was known to bleed energy in a turn like a stuck pig.

  2. Mig-35 is the best out of two.

  3. whats the mig 35? the demo version Izdelije 1.41? I believe Americans had such demonstrators fifteen years ago.

  4. mig 35. looks class multiple vector thrust

  5. I love people who answers these questions probably from their video games. The truth is the better plane is the one with the better avionics. The F-18 is an older design with older engines so it is not as manuvearable or fast as the mig. But technology wise the avionics are better in the hornet. The radar, navigation, and weaponry systems are more safisticated. Bottom line, what would you rather have a better, faster, more maneuvarable smart missile or a slighty faster plane? I put my money on the missile.

  6. all the technology n control is better in F-18 but performance wise MIG-35 is better. It's really tough to choose  b/w the two but MIG-35 with excellent design is the better one.

  7. The MiG-35 scores in almost every aspect. Weaponry, maneuverability, sensors, range and speed. The Super Hornet has superiority is the defense suite i.e. better countermeasures.

  8. Mig 35 any day

  9. definetily MIG 35  the latest in MIG series.

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