
F = f (V - Vo/ V+ Vs).if both source & observer ar moving away from each other.?

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physics,under wave.




  1. Using the Doppler equation =  f'=f((V+-Vo) / (V-+Vs))

    V is speed of sound

    Vo is speed of observer

    Vs is speed of source

    f is original frequency

    F=f((V-Vo)/(V+Vs)) used for situations that they are moving away from each other...the source that is....

  2. why is this under hockey

  3. The original equation is:

    f' = f(v ± Vo / v -+ Vs)

    I like to think of it as, the top sign means towards (because they both start with "t" so it's easy to remember).  In your case, since the equation is v - vo, the shift of the object is away from the observer because it uses the sign on the bottom, the -.  So therefore v + vs means that the source is moving away from the observer at the same time, because the equation uses the bottom sign, the +.

    Or, if you just want to memorize it...For the Vo, + is toward the source, - is away.  For Vs, - is toward the object, + is away.

    It makes sense mathematically, but that's going to take a while to explain and it's boring and you don't need to know that.

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