
FACIAL <span title="HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by Guest44962  |  earlier

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Now, I Want Facial Hair. I Am 15,

My Dad had facial, my dads dad has,my mums dad has, my uncle has, my nan has (lol), my other uncle has,

what are the chance of me having facial hair (The list of people goes on...)




  1. you&#039;ll get facial hair eventually, and btw if you think 15 year old girls think its attractive,  you&#039;re wrong.

  2. About 50:50

  3. youll get facial hair, don&#039;t worry, mine didn&#039;t come in till i was sixteen.  

  4. Of course you will have facial hair, im a 14 year old girl and prefer boys without it, so i wouldnt worry. it will come eventually

  5. i thought all guys get facial hair lol. anyway, you will! just wait a little bit longer (so many people in your family have it) x

  6. You will likely have facial hair someday, but you&#039;re still young and if you try to grow some too early it will look like mange and girls do not dig that! My hubby has a beard and I think it is sooo s**y! However, he was a &quot;late bloomer&quot; and wasn&#039;t able to grow any decent facial hair until he was in his 20&#039;s, so it depends.

  7. Now why would you think you wont have facial hair ????

    Judging by the list, you should and most likely will, maybe not as fast as you would like though .. lol

  8. very likely.

  9. Good things come to those who wait, my friend. You&#039;ll get facial hair soon, especially considering how many people in your family have it.

    Once you get it, shaving becomes a regular thing, so enjoy what you have at the minute.

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