Hi. So I've been living in Seattle with my fiance for over a year now. He works full time, I work part time, and we both run a business together. I've applied to University of Washington as a washington state resident, and everything seems fine... only now that I'm filling out the FAFSA, I realize that since I'm 22 and we aren't married yet, I have to claim myself as a dependent. Obviously, I don't consider myself "dependent" on my parents as I have nothing to do with them anymore - just calls to say Hello every few days. My fiance and I own our own car, pay our rent, buy our groceries, etc. So now that I'll be going back to school it looks like I have to put them down on the FAFSA, which wouldn't be that big of a problem if they didn't live in CHICAGO. So is that going to s***w up my residency in washington? Are they going to see that I'm a "dependent" on Illinois state parents and I won't be getting in state tuition for WA? or does that not even matter? I'm pretty confused.