
FAFSA deadline/facts?

by Guest57042  |  earlier

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What's a rough timeline for a FAFSA application:

Events such as:

application deadline, when a school needs it, etc.

any help is appreciated, thanks.




  1. Schools start asking for it in January, but I think the Deadline is beginning of March.

  2. you can start filling out the fafsa on Jan. 1st. and the deadline is March 2. HINT: even if you know that you make too much money, you still need to fill this out, because everything stops when the colleges find out it's not filed

  3. Most schools post deadlines.  That said, complete your fafsa anyway.  Make sure to use the school code so that the school you are planning on attending will receive your ISIR.  

    Most schools have winter starts so they are usually bluffing when they say deadline is March 2008.  

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