
FAIR?? or do the new zealanders simply have double standards??

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the other week john smit took a nasty dump/spear tackle from thorn but as a new zealander he only got a weeks ban, highly unfair as smit was seriously injure and cant play for about two weeks.

and now the bokke player (sorry i forgot his name momentairly) has been banned for 2/3 weeks for rubbing his fist in a new zealanders face, not causeing him serious injury, not preventing him from playing as they were both stuck on the floor, i think its a load of bull ****.

is it fair???

and also does graham henrys put aside entire training sessions to teach the AB how to cheat, in every game i watch them the sneaky s***s, block, pull back players with out the ball, tackle players without the ball e.c.t under the refs nose and nearly never get caught, credit to them though, when the dutchmen try it there to d**n clumsy and get caught, so yea the new zealanders are skilled in that department the clever guys.




  1. RSA are just as good at being "sneaky s***s" maybe even a touch better.

    There is always play off the ball and a high level of intensity when the Bokke and ABs clash, we can only hope that the referees and judiciary can be even handed about it.

    Stop being a cry baby.

  2. JoeBlow - it's a pity New Zealand can't hold it together in their clever way for all the World Cups hey... hehe, chokers.  There is no doubt they are a fantastic side but they're not Gods and I think it's great South Africa won as it opens the Tri Nations up and makes it far more entertaining to watch.

    To answer the original question, here's a good article on the citing system and how it needs to be fair.

  3. He wasn't rubbing his fist in his face, he was sticking it in his eye. Spear tackles are unintentional accidents, gouging someone's eyes like that is not. It doesn't matter anyway, they will both only miss one game.

    With regards to cheating, every team does it, in fact every time a penalty, free kick is given away, it's technically because of cheating. New Zealand do all they can to win just like every other country.

    Also I think they should give match bans as opposed to weeks as it would be a lot clearer.

  4. yes definitely, the New Zealanders are far smarter than all you other dipsticks, your all as thick as pigshi.t, that`s why NZ win almost every game they play, they let others win occasionally when it doesn`t matter much,just to keep the others trying ...get used to it.

  5. a nasty tackle is not the same as rubbing your fist intentionally in someone's face, I do not know who you are on about so I have no preferences, just saying what I see.

  6. yeah, australia as well, last time an aussie player cant remember his name punch GB team on his face and got no ban at all. why? because he said he punched him because he insulted his mother. The Australian team completly let him off with no fine or ban.

    I dont understand

  7. Joe Blow, you bring all of us down when you talk like that!

    Just for the record, there are a few Kiwi's with a brain.

    I have never understood the whole system of who gets what.

    Somehow, a filthy tackle is accepted as 'part of the game' whereas a fist in the face is 'bad sportsmanship'.

    Either way, it's the toughest game on earth and  s - - t happens.

    Build a bridge and get over it.

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