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i have heard alot of people saying that they have never had false positives and that these dont exist, but i once had a very faint positive test and went 2 the doctors who did a test using a small paper dip sitck thing (lol sorry im not techincal) and said the colours were too close to tell.

i wasnt pregnan but i was wondering if i had a false positive, could others also or is it possible i miss-carried??

my aunty also had a false positive which really hurt her as she was very pleased but then it came she wasnt pregnant.

im very confused.

ttc 8 months





  1. its really hard because they say false positives are very rare  

  2. Evaporation line?

  3. False positives are very rare.  Generally, if you have a positive you are pregnant.  Check out the website for causes of false positives.  

  4. I got a false positive on an HPT.  Blood test 2 days later was negative.  

  5. A "false positive" could be due to a chemical pregnancy, which is basically an EXTREMELY early miscarriage. The pregnancy hormone HCG begins to build up in your system just enough for a pregnancy test to detect it, but you miscarry so soon that the hormone quickly disappears (since it was so early, the level did not have a chance to build up much so it doesn't take long). It is estimated that quite a few women have chemical pregnancies without even knowing it, because they end up with what they assume is their period at just about the time they would get it normally, or maybe just a few days late.

  6. It is possible that you had a 'chemical pregnancy' which is where you get pregnant for a short time but then miscarry. This is not your fault; just that the pregnancy would not have been viable so the body rejects it rather than carry a full-term but chronically disabled baby.

    Until a few years ago, you would never have even known you were pregnant. It's only because we have these clever little tests now. That's why it's a chemical pregnancy; the chemicals in your urine were there, but the pregnancy would never have been possible. So I suspect that's what you had.

    In fact, while this all sounds depressing, it's actually a very good sign because it shows that you CAN get pregnant, so you probably will do again, and will most likely be fine next time!

  7. i had a positive test a couple of months back, i went to the doctors with my test and he said it was definately a positive, he felt my stomach just to be sure.. The hubby and i were absolutely amazed, so happy, until i started bleeding a few hours after this appointment. We still think about it now, i never thought chemical pregnancies were an actual possibility, but now we have "suffered" one, i am never going to judge anyone who believes they had the same thing.  

  8. If you are taking fertility medication, it's possible to get a positive test result and not be pregnant.  

    In most cases, it is very very rare to get a false positive.  When in doubt ask the doctor to do a blood test.  There is no question, the results from the blood test are accurate.

    My sister tested negative and missed 2 periods.  Every test she took said she wasn't pregnant.  The urine test at the doctor's office even said negative...  the blood test however was positive...  and my niece is beautiful

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