
FEAR of lying!!?

by  |  earlier

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Yes, I'm another one! Except I'm quite embarassed. I had a 2 hour flight only, but the mere though of it is making me weak! I have no idea what I am going to do. I been flying since I was little. I remember specifacaly since I was 8. Went holiday every year until 12 without a problem. Then at 13 I got slightly nervours. 14 I was scared but got over it after a while. 15,16 and 17 I was unbelievably petrified and even cried on the way back (well my eyes swelled up whilst we waited to board). It must of scared peple to see a grown teenager s***w his face up and pretend his eyes are hurting and shifting eveyr ten seconds. At 18 I travelled around Europe by train which was GREAT!! Now I am back to going on the place! HELP!!!




  1. You have nothing to worry about, Remember there are 7,000 planes in the air when your flying. The odds of you crashing is like 1/500. Pilots are getting trained better these years the crashes that happen in the past give us information so that never happens again. I'm sure you'll be fine.

  2. Fear of lying!!..

    wonder wht you fear of lying so i click on this question..

    ....awww, it was flying..

  3. I'm not sure why people are afraid of flying. Maybe it is because of terrorism or just crashing. Whatever the reason is, you shouldn't be afraid of flying. As other people have answered, flying is much safer then most other ways of transportation and indeed it is. Just try to keep the negative thoughts out of your mind. They more then likely won't happen anyways. Flying is fun and you should enjoy getting to your destination way faster then a car or train could get you there. Try to distract yourself by listening to music or some other way. Don't let fear keep you from enjoying flying.

  4. There's really nothing to worry about in a plane, you have a higher chance of getting into a car accident, a train derailment or even a ship sinking than a plane crash. Plane's today have incredibly sophisticated technology and besides all of those plane crashes you here on the news are global. Just imagine how many car crashes happen every day, compared to the 3 plane crashes a year world wide.

  5. Don't be scared of flying. It's crashing you need to worry about.

  6. Look at it this way: How many planes don't crash each day? If that doesn't do it, fly Swiss Air. If you can't get perfection from the Swiss then the world will end! I suggest you try skydiving. You'll p**s your pants, cry for momma, and never have any more fear. After ten seconds you'll be fine. You might even thank me in the long run! But barring that, take a LOT of Dramomine. It'll knock you out for the flight. What you don't know can't hurt you!

  7. 1 in 500 ???   I'd say the chances of a crash are much, much lower than that.  More like 1 in 5,000,000

    Flying is fun, look out the window and see how different everything looks from the air.  Listen to ATC if you can.

  8. I read an article a few years ago stating that with current technology, you are more likely to die in your home than on a major carrier. The article went on to explain how more people died in house collapses where the cause was unknown.

    So statistically speaking, you are more likely to die in a random house collapse than on a major carrier. Feel safe?

    2005 or 2006 I can't remember which, ZERO people died on major carriers. Safe yet?

    Realistically speaking, statistics are simply not helpful if you suffer from panic attacks or claustrophobia on the plane. If its the sounds that cause you to repeatedly ask "what was that?!" or "is that normal?" then maybe you should find a seasoned traveller, pilot, or other flight crew who can readily identify every sound and movement of the airplane.

    Try to avoid things that would make you feel unomfortable. Like, make sure you go to the washroom before getting on board. Bring some gravol and/or pepto bismol. Avoid any sort of soft drinks, and any heavy eating. Don't eat any foods that have even the slightest history of not agreeing with your stomach. Removing physical factors of uneasiness will make things easier mentally.

    If its the claustraphobia you're having issues with, well, I honestly don't know what to suggest. I feel terribly uncomfortable in overcrowded buildings, sometimes to the point that I absolutely have to go outside... an option you really don't have on an airplane.

    I don't want to make light of your situation, but maybe since you're relatively young you can just try to 'suck it up'. Yes, its going to suck, you'll be uncomfortable, you'll want out, but eventually it will be overwith and you'll have a better time next time. I mean, think of all those horrible moments in high school that you've been able to move on from.

    Happy Flying!

  9. I have a similar problem ...I used to fly 3 to 4 times a year for many years ...then I got very stressed about being in the plane...I'm not afraid of the take off,or the landing, or even the flying in the air....what I hate is the fact that I'm stuck on it and can't just ring a bell when I want to get off..just as you would do on a bus...I have come to realise it's claustrophobia that I suffer from.. I'm now back to taking short's a start I suppose.

  10. Flying is actually safer then driving. and if god wants u dead he'll find a way. have  a safe trip

  11. Fear of LYING !!!!

    Ummmmm     guess your question is all made up then... so I'm not going to answer, till you start telling the truth... so there !.

    Caramac x
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