
FF Chart? What do you think?

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Today is the last day until my 2ww is over that i am going to post my chart-i just want to know opinions on it. I know I ovulated very early-i thank god that I thought to take that opk on thursday. Yesterday I swear I felt a twinge in my right side-we have timed are BDing perfectly so just a few days after my menses my little eggy decided to make an appearence, i saw a few charts on ff like mine so i know I am not alone.

I knew this was my fertile window when my CP and CM were in their fertile state.

And the opk and temps showed it too.

let me know what ya think-if the link doesnt work let me know and i will post another photo bucket one.

thank you and good luck to all who are ttc and those who are in your 2ww just like me.




  1. It looks reasonable.

  2. I think maybe ovulation day may be today. At ovulation your temp should spike UP, not DOWN.  If I were you I would set my analyzer to "Advanced" so that FF can help you pinpoint the day. Sometimes you'll have that lh surge and then your body backs off. As for your previous chart, I don't think you ovulated until cd18 according to temps and the length of a typical luteal phase.  

    Change that analyzer back to advanced and let ff help you out. It will help you out these first few months.

    Good luck to you!!!

    I took a look at your chart again doesn't look like you've ovulated yet.  Keep a close eye on the cm and keep up the opks! Good luck!

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