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I'm looking for tips and tricks of the trade so i can do better in showing this year last year i got 4 i want to get champion this year lol so i you have any tips or stories thanks for the help.




  1. I agree with Silverspurranch. Top quality feed will definetly make a difference. How many years have you been showing? Also what kind of goats have you been showing?

    I never personally showed goats, but I did own quite a few along with showing horses for many years, and showing pigs in 4H and FFA. Are you having any kind of help in choosing your goats, or are you going at it alone? It's always nice to have help from officers with more expereince pick out your animals and direct you towards some top quality breeders. Judges tend to change their opinions in what they are looking for year to year. Find out what everyone is looking for in top animals.  Make sure your animals is also groomed to the hilt. No one likes to see an animal lacking in presentation.  Same goes for you. Practice, Practice, Practice. And don't forget to smile in the ring!

  2. Um this is horses. If you want advice from goat people, may I suggest you move your question to 'other' on the pets menu?

  3. If you want the best goat, then you need to feed the goat the best. I've seen a lot of FFA members lose ribbons because they had a nice lamb, goat, or cow, and because they didn't feed it top quality forage, the animal didn't look or perform as well as the other entries.

    So feed nice quality forage, grains, and make sure to worm, vaccinate, and give the right supplements.

    Also, remember to practice. Don't expect your animal to set up just right without practice and keep calm and remember to always be set up so the judge can see the best in the animal.
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