
FFA question!!?

by Guest55700  |  earlier

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So i am 13. I want to be in the FFA but there are a number of problems.

1) I dont think my city has an FFA or 4H club, nor does the surrounding cities. :(

2)My city is not country enough. What if kids make fun of me??

3) I dont know what animal i want to raise.

4)and is their a way i could be in 4H or FFA that is not in my city??

Please help.

give me all of the info you got!!






    greetings little one,

    above are the ffa and 4-h web pages respectively....

    in order to find the ffa chapter near you, the web page is asking you to create a free account, do it chicklet!!! (LOL chicklet, ffa!!)

    and the 4-h site asks you to choose what state you are ya gottta do that yourself....

    you can absolutely belong to one of these clubs that is not in the city....but you should talk it over with your folks to get a committment from them to help you get to and from the weekly meetings....

    regarding, being picked on from other kids.... children your age and throughout high school pick on other kids to feel good about themselves....when people pick on you; they are really showing their own weakness.

    besides, agricultural issues are where biology, science, business, marketing, chemistry, leadership, and self-sufficiency issues "hit the pavement"

    I think it was president truman or eisenhower that was in the 4-h.

    American farmers-ranchers-agribusiness folk represent less than 2% of all business in the usa....yet supply, America and beyond (much of the world) with food.

    "grow away dude!" ----finding nemo

  2. I'm not going to be a stalker and ask what city you are from, so the first step is seeing if your school has any agricultural classes or does the high school? FFA is open to manily high schools but 4-H is open to every one no matter what school.Both clubs are really awsome. If you have more time on your hands and want to be more invovled go for FFA more than 4-H. I have livestock myself and I'm in both.

    If you live in a small town you probably have a county FFA so you just have to look around at the surrounding schools. If that doesn't work go for 4-H its more animal friendly.

    Hope I could help!!!!

  3. Well I really think your school should offer some form of FFA program. The FFA has a charter that makes it a part of every Agriculture class in the country. About the redneck thing the FFA is a club built around moral values and has high education competitons such as parliamentary pocedure. About the animal, well you don't have to even like animals to be in the FFA like I said it's not just a hick country club. Finally I really don't know how you could join the FFA if its not at your school. Well I hope that helps! <(-_-)>

  4. In the state that I live, you can start your own 4-h club. Just contact the extension office. FFA is usually tied to a school so ask someone at your school if they have any information. Doesn't matter if your city is "country" enough or not. If this is something you want to do, go for it. If kids make fun of you, it will make you stronger in the end. 4-H or FFA is going to give you the ability to stand up to them and feel good doing it. 4-H is not all about animals. There are other things that are non-animal related. If you want to going into animals, make sure you have the room and the time. These animals have to be feed at least once a day and need everyday handling. If you give up too soon, you are still stuck with an animal that needs attention. In the state that I live, you can be in any 4-H club that you want as long as you show up to the meetings.

  5. It doesn't matter how country your surroundings are you can always be a part of it. When I was in high school I was parliamentarian in my ffa organization and we raised pigs, it was fun and I learned a lot. If there are no local organizations you can go to and become a member. Hope you enjoy it as much as me!!!!!

  6. you should be able to find out about 4H from your local county extension service/agent.  Also, the land grant university in your state (each US state has one) should have information on 4H programs in your state.  As far a kids laughing at you, so what?  kids always find something to laugh at.  do what makes you happy.  in either FFA or 4H, you will meet other kids to be friends with that share your interests.  do what makes you happy, not what makes other kids happy.  I imagine you could raise any animal, including small ones (mouse?) if space is a problem.
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